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Python 2.6.9

Release Date: Oct. 29, 2013

With the 2.6.9 release, and five years after its first release, the Python 2.6 series is now officially retired. All official maintenance for Python 2.6, including security patches, has ended. For ongoing maintenance releases, please see the Python 2.7 series. The NEWS file lists every change in each alpha, beta, release candidate, and final release of Python 2.6.

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This is a final release; we currently support these formats:

MD5 checksums and sizes of the released files:

933a811f11e3db3d73ae492f6c3a7a76  Python-2.6.9.tar.xz
bddbd64bf6f5344fc55bbe49a72fe4f3  Python-2.6.9.tgz

The signatures for the source tarballs above were generated with GnuPG using release manager Barry Warsaw's public key which has a key id of A74B06BF.


Users of Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) may be affected by issue 18458, experiencing crashes when using the interactive interpreter. This bug is not fixed by the Python 2.6.9 release. If you are having this problem, please review your options by visiting the issue tracker.

Developers on Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) or later may experience problems when building Python 2.6 from source, due to the adoption of multiarch support. See issue 9762 for additional details and workarounds.


The documentation has also been updated. You can browse the HTML on-line or download the HTML.

Full Changelog


Version Operating System Description MD5 Sum File Size GPG
Gzipped source tarball Source release 458a6bd5c01bdae93fc6dfdfb1f41f64 56.5 MB SIG
XZ compressed source tarball Source release 933a811f11e3db3d73ae492f6c3a7a76 8.9 MB SIG