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Community Survey

This survey has concluded.

The PSF is committed to ethical principles, transparency, and accountability. One of our goals is to regularly and openly provide our community with information about our mission, activities, finances, accomplishments, and decision-making processes.

We want to be open about how we can improve transparency, provide the community with opportunities to interact with us, and be responsive to raised suggestions.

To help us do this, we've created a short survey and hope you'll take a few minutes to complete it.


In order to gain the widest audience for feedback, the survey is available in the following languages:

  • Para a versão em Português da Pesquisa de Satisfação da Comunidade da PSF, clique aqui!
  • Para la versión en español de la Encuesta comunitaria de la PSF, haz click aquí
  • PSF問卷調查(繁體中文版),請按這
  • PSF问卷调查(简体中文版),请按这