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PSF Meeting Minutes for Jan. 5, 2016

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The Python Software Foundation
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

January 05, 2016

A regular meeting of the Python Software Foundation ("PSF") Board of Directors was held over Group Conference Call via phone and Internet Relay Chat beginning at 17:00 UTC, on January 05, 2016. Betsy Waliszewski took notes/minutes.

All votes are reported in the form "Y-N-A" (in favor-Y‚ opposed-N‚ abstentions-A; e.g. "5-1-2" means "5 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions").

1   Attendance

The following members of the Board of Directors (7 of 11) were present at the meeting: Van Lindberg, Naomi Ceder, Marc-Andre Lemburg, Lynn Root, Carol Willing, Anna Ossowski (via proxy), Carrie Anne Philbin, and Diana Clarke.

Kurt Kaiser (Treasurer), Betsy Waliszewski (Event Planner and Administrator), and Ewa Jodlowska (Director of Operations) were also in attendance.

2   Minutes of Past Meetings

The 02 December 2015 Board meeting minutes were voted on and approved.

RESOLVED, that the PSF approve the minutes at as representing a true and accurate record of the December 2, 2015 meeting.

Approved 4-0-4.

3   Monthly Reports

3.1   Scientific Python

Support for: - PyData Madrid - Python in Astronomy 2016 workshop

Ongoing discussion: - PyData Bundled support - SciPy Stack Window toolchain solution

3.2   Trademarks

Nothing to report.

3.3   Python Cuba

by Olemis Lang

  • Local groups in Havana have been contacted and they have welcomed the idea of encouraging the participation of speakers talking about subjects related to Python . Monthly meetings are already happening so the goal here is more likely to look for people working with Python-powered techs and/or keen to prepare talks about related subjects .
  • Trying to contact friends in Camagüey to know what's going on there and encourage the organization of similar meetings .
  • As an intermediate step towards the organization of the first PyCon, I'm exploring (with other colleagues, who are trying to make this happen) the possibility of incubating a sub-event dedicated to Python within another conference with much broader scope. ETA -> next year.

3.4   Python Education

Nothing to report.

3.5   PSF Grants

The PSF Grants working group considered and passed the following grant requests totaling $2900 in November 2015:

RESOLVED: That the PSF grant $600 for the Django Girls Workshop in Cologne, Germany.

Approved 7-0-0 on 11-08-2015

RESOLVED: That the PSF grant $1000 for Django Girls Inland Empire.

Approved 8-0-0 on 11-14-2015

RESOLVED: That the PSF grant $550 for Honolulu¹s first annual Django Girls.

Approved 7-0-0. 11-25-2015

RESOLVED: That the PSF grant $750 for Django Girls Windhoek.

Approved 8-0-0 11-25-2015

In addition, the WG was informed by the board that the typical maximum for funding workshops would $25 per attendee, but if hardware, such as raspberry pi boards, was being given out as part of the workshop the limit could be as high as $50 per attendee.

3.6   Marketing

The group has decided to order notebooks, t-shirts, pens, and flashlights for giveaways. Steve Hawkes is working on designs for notebooks and shirts to share. The group also wants to set up a system to sell these items. We’re looking at the Amazon fulfillment program which is pretty cool. It would take dedicated admin time to make it work though. For now we’re concentrating on designing and ordering these items. BreakThru Marketing can store and drop ship internationally.

3.7   Bundle Sponsorship

The International Sponsorship Bundle Prospectus is finished and sent on Jan. 4. 10 conferences are participating. 6 sponsors have expressed an interest in this type of package and will be the first ones we contact. Please let the WG know if you have any suggestions for sponsors to reach out to.

4   Meetup Fees Approved

  • $89.94: Seattle PyLadies
  • $100.97: PyLadies Silicon Valley

5   Votes Approved by Working Groups

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation grant $800 USD to Django Girls Bangalore, for a workshop happening in February 2016.

Approved by the Grants Working Group 6-0-0, December 13, 2015.

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation grant $750 for the First Django Girls event in Lagos, Nigeria, happening February 19-20, 2016.

Approved by the Grants Working Group 7-0-0, December 13, 2015.

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation grant $3500 USD for PyTN happening on February 6-7, 2016 in Nashville, TN.

Approved by the Grants Working Group 6-0-0, December 30, 2015.

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation grant $1000 for the Young Coders event at PyTennessee.

Approved by the Grants Working Group 6-0-0, December 30, 2015.

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation grant $3800 USD to PyCon Namibia that is happening January 25-29, 2016.

Approved by the Grants Working Group 7-0-0, December 7, 2015.

6   Email Votes

Resolved, that the Python Software Foundation retire the Sprints Work Group.

Approved 11-0-0, December 8, 2015

Resolved, that the Python Software Foundation retire the Outreach & Education Work Group.

Approved 11-0-0, December 10, 2015

RESOLVED: That Jacqueline Kazil serve as Chair of the PSF Grants Working Group, and that Kushal Das and Vicky Twomey-Lee serve as co-Chairs.

Approved 7-0-0, December 12, 2015

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation grant $1,000 USD to Nicholas H. Tollervey to travel to the "Education Foo Camp" happening February 19-21, 2016

Approved 11-0-0, December 15, 2015

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation cancel the grant request provided to PyCon Cameroon for $2,500 approved on November 9, 2015.

Approved 11-0-0, December 15, 2015

7   New Business

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation sponsor PyLadies Helsinki sprint in the amount of $200 USD that is happening January 9-10, 2016.

Approved 8-0-0 on January 5, 2016.

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation grant $2000 USD for a Partner level sponsorship for PyCon Belarus 2016.

Approved 8-0-0 on January 5, 2016.

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation sponsor Django Girls workshop 2016 in the amount of 300€ ($322 USD)that is happening in Łódź, Poland.

Approved 8-0-0 on January 5, 2016.

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation sponsor PyConIT 7 2016 in the amount of € 800 ($865 USD) that is happening April 15-17, 2016.

Approved 8-0-0 on January 5, 2016.

RESOLVED, that the PSF approve the sponsor member application at the Iron Sponsor Level from Blanc Limited.

Approved 8-0-0 on January 5, 2016.

RESOLVED, that the PSF approve the sponsor member application at the Copper Sponsor Level from Webucator.

Approved 8-0-0 on January 5, 2016.

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation grant ₱75,000 PHP ($1580 USD) for a Gold sponsorship for PyCon Philippines, happening in Cebu February 27-28, 2016.

Approved 8-0-0 on January 5, 2016.

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation grant $1150 USD for the Afro – Django initiative to conduct Python and Django framework training at Kampala International University, happening February 15 - 26.

Approved 7-0-1 on January 5, 2016.

8   Other Business / Discussions

The motion for the PSF to grant $5,000 USD to Manuel Kaufmann for O&E in Ecuador and Peru has been deferred until the next January board meeting, pending more discussion.

9   Meeting Adjournment

Van Lindberg adjourned the board meeting at 18:02 UTC on January 05, 2016.